First of all I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I rescued a 6 months old bulldog from a terrible situation that had him physically and mentally unhealthy. He was fearful of humans to the point of biting strangers, was not socialized with other dogs, and if I raised my voice he would huddle in a corner frightened. I have worked in the veterinary field for 10 years and felt that I had the ability to “save” my boy. After two sets of puppy training and four surgeries my dog, Tater tot, had improved physically and mentally to the best of my ability but he deserved so much more. My dog was reactive; certain things would set him off into a fearful fight mode, especially if I was not around him. I decided to contact Sandra Brown, she carried a reputation for her miraculous positive reinforcement training especially with these special cases. We took videos demonstrating his behavior and had a home visit. Sandra was able to educate my partner and I on Tater Tots behaviour and give rules to improve the issues we were dealing with. Since then I have been able to have multiple people over and leave the room with no negative reaction or fearfulness by him. I have been able to bring him to social events where for the first time I have been commented on how well his behavior is, calmer and more like a “normal dog”. (Even compliments from my parents, which we all know how that can go!) We still have a ways to go on our journey together and I am so happy to have Sandra with me improving our life together along the way.
Thank you,
Crystal Clarke
Thank you for all your help with Maverick, He is doing great and learning well. we still have a good road ahead of us but we are doing fantastic. You are amazing and I hope you have a great time back home. thank you
Karen Smith
I have a Bernese Mt Dog named Cooper. When he turned two he started to show signs of aggression. We called a trainer that didn’t work out for our poor boy and in some cases actually made the situation worse (not that we knew that at the time). Over the years (he’s 7 now) he has bitten people, lunged at people, and these were people in my home, but it only seemed at random times, to us anyway. One day while desperately searching the Internet I came across Sandra and reviewed her philosophy on training. My daughter, husband and I were very nervous of Cooper and were at wits end not knowing what to do or where to turn. All trainers seemed to have the same techniques and I already knew that didn’t work for him. I just couldn’t put him to sleep and I cried thinking that that may be the only answer, but he’s my responsibility and I couldn’t give up on him. Because Cooper responds so well to praise it seemed Sandra’s training techniques might just be the answer. I called her and we met. She explained that Cooper space controls. The techniques she had given us during our meetings have helped not only us but cooper to be a much happier dog. He’s still a work in progress, but is responding so well. He is 7 but I have to say that old adage ‘you can’t teach an old dog new tricks’ is so wrong. Cooper is happier, he’s loving his pets and his walks. I just couldn’t give up on my boy. The old training techniques didn’t work with him at all, I just didn’t know what to do with him. I’ve had many dogs throughout my life, but never had one like Coop. It has given me a new outlook on dogs and the best way to train them. If you are debating calling Sandra debate no more, just do it, you won’t regret it. Her approach is so wonderful and you see results immediately. She explains situations from the dogs view which helps us as cognitive beings to understand them better. She gave us back our Coop. Her techniques are easy to implement and it’s all common sense really. I’m looking so forward to helping cooper more and more. From all of us and Coop too…thank you.
Angie Vancise
Sandra is wonderful. Everything she has shown us has worked with our dog – it turned out that our dog didn’t respond to the “typical” dog training tactics. She really understands dogs. It is still a work in progress but if we ever have a tough day with Cooper, Sandra is always there to give advice and encouragement. It is an ongoing relationship with her 🙂 I highly recommend Sandra because without her, we might of given up on our little guy.
Shannon Aura
We just had Sandra in for a consultation/training for our newly adopted deaf dalmatian and as a person coming from a background working with dogs…boarding, breeding, showing and obedience … I learned a lot today. Nate was so calm and loved learning. Looking forward to giving Nate the most amazing life. He also has a good teacher in Cooper, our chocolate lab. Thank you Sandra!!!
Karen Smith
With four young children I was terrified of the gsd we brought into our home. His previous owner had lied to us about him. Without Sandra sharing her knowledge with us Seamus would have been euthanized. Instead we now have a beautiful, incredibly intelligent animal who is slowly learning love, trust and kindness.
Marnie Brost
I have a 1 year old Perenee and I thought it was too late for training. After I watched your tv shows and started training using what I learned, my dog’s behaviour started improving. I love the shows and hope to see many more.
Josée Blanchette
Sandra is back with Gauge, helping correct some teenage behaviour! Gauge is so excited.
Kim Furniss
Sandra started working with us yesterday! It’s made a big difference already in our 13w old Golden Retriever. Looking forward to the upcoming weeks to see how far he will come! Thank you Sandra. We look forward to following up with you!
Carrie Lascelles
Bella spent 2 weeks with her and we are forever thankful!
Angie Switzer