Sandra Brown – Canine Interpreter
Sandra Brown – Canine Interpreter
Sandra Brown – Canine Interpreter

Sandra Brown – Canine Interpreter

Testimonial 11

We are so blessed to have met Sandra Brown. For the past two and a half years, Katie is a beautiful German shepherd who was taunted and teased in the community. Katie fell into a deep depression with built up anxiety causing her to lose trust in people and be unsure how to respond to unknown situations.

Sandra Brown is extremely knowledgeable as a dog trainer and owner! She has taught Katie to be able to decrease her level of anxiety in different situations. Katie has been training with Sandra and I have seen Katie accomplish new milestones.

Sandra’s methodology to positive reinforcement training has taught Katie to be social and be attentive to the training she has received by Sandra. One of the key highlights in the training I’ve have seen when working with Sandra is her ability to incorporate different training techniques with the use of her own dogs which has been very effective in Katie’s training. Katie is responding positively to Rebel and has minimized her reactivity. I am pleased to see how far Katie has come with Sandra’s guidance and expertise.

As an owner, Sandra is working with myself and my daughter to ensure Katie’s training is ongoing and long lasting. Sandra brings positive and self-encouragement to assist me with the training; it has allowed me to develop the correct skills as an owner to ensure Katie is responding positively in any situation.

I am so lucky to have Sandra be Katie’s trainer. I am in debt to her through this journey with Katie and will continue to work with Sandra to ensure Katie has the best quality of life. Both Sandra and her dogs are to be commended for giving Katie back the happiness she deserves.
With Love,
The Stevens Family

Copyright © 2024 Sandra Brown – Canine Interpreter